Five Reasons to Hit the EDGE YK Solstice Slam on Saturday, June 23

Like EDGE, the Solstice Slam’s a showcase of local talent, as well as a celebration of what makes Yellowknife awesome. This year’s event, co-hosted by EDGE YK and the NWT BRewing Co.,  will feature unforgettable performances by the city’s newest supergroup PIT!, as well as floor-filling sets by Foxanne and Puppy DJ.

With a turnout of nearly 900 Yellowknifers at the last Slam, it’s easy to see why it’s becoming the city’s official start-of-summer party. Here’s why you should skip the cabin and head out to the Folk site on Saturday, June 23:

1. All your friends are going

Here at EDGE, we encourage everyone to do their own thing. That said, if all your friends are going to the Slam, you probably should, too. YK’s all about hanging and having fun. What better way to accomplish both of those than hitting the slam with your crew?

2. Summer’s short, party outside

You’ve spent all winter hanging around in basements and dark rooms. We get it, you’ve been trying to survive. But now that it’s nice, it’s time to let a little light in and get dancing.

3. Truly warm the rocks

The Folk site’s a beauty, but it’s also underused entertainment infrastructure. Come help us put it to use.

4. Start a new summer tradition

Maybe you were one of the hundreds of people who had an awesome time last year. Or maybe you were out of town and your friends keep reminding you not to miss out again. Either way, you should be there.

5. It’s a diverse crowd

From students back from school to longtime ‘Knifers who love to have a good time, the Slam crowd is always diverse. United in a love of fun, everyone had a blast.

NOTE: This is a licenced event for those 19-plus with doors opening at nine and $20 admission. Check out the Solstice Slam event on Facebook to confirm your attendance and see who’s going.

And now, five housekeeping items:

1) We will have mosquito coils on site, but bring bug dope and wear long clothing to avoid getting eaten.

2) Food and beverages will be available for sale. Similar to FOTR, we will be selling drink and food tickets. There will also be an ATM on site if you need cash.

3) Park in the front area (Main Entrance). No cars will be allowed past the gate.

4) Please be very kind to the bus driver.

5) The last buses will leave the site at 2:00 am and 2:30 am. We will also tell cab companies to send cars at this time to make sure we are able to get everyone home safely.

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