Who will represent the NWT in Ottawa?

On EDGE: Opinion The first sign Ethel Blondin Andrew was in danger of losing to Dennis Bevington in 2006 came not from any poll, but an unexpected phone call from Paul Martin, in the waning days of the campaign. Martin did not call to outline a new northern initiative, but to emphasize some point in

Mayor Mark’s Challenger: YK accountant John Himmelman

Just when we were all expecting Mark Heyck to cruise back to the mayoral chair uncontested, a local chartered accountant filed his papers this morning. John Himmelman is a private accounting consultant who moved to Yellowknife in 2005. The 52-year-old* is a former GNWT employee, originally from Ontario, who also spent a year and a half in

Shauna Morgan Runs for Council

Shauna Morgan, who announced she’s running for municipal politics yesterday, hopes to improve the way that the City’s public consultation functions. “People are excited about engaging, about coming out to consultation sessions… but I think that also requires some leadership to help facilitate discussions in a meaningful way, instead of everyone just tossing ideas out

Kieron Testart to Challenge Ramsay in Kam Lake

When you disagree with just about every move the territorial government has made over the last four years, the only thing to do, if you’re Kieron Testart, is challenge it head-on. “It’s no mistake that I’m running against a cabinet minister and an incumbent,” said Testart, a former Liberal candidate in the federal election who

Vote For Me, Again: Council Incumbents

Five out of eight incumbents are seeking to retain their seats at City Hall The council meeting this past Monday evening was the last before people head to the polls on Oct. 19 to elect a new batch of councillors. There’s going to be a slew of new names on the ballot, but also a number

Jan Fullerton Takes a Run at Frame Lake

Mental health, trades training and economic development are top  issues for Jan Fullerton in her bid for the Frame Lake seat vacated by Wendy Bisaro in the upcoming territorial election. “I think we’re at a critical juncture,” Fullerton told EDGE. “I’m concerned with economic development policies and I want to be part of the process

Julian Morse Announces for City Council

Finding homes for the homeless and breathing new life into Yellowknife’s downtown are the key issues in the upcoming civic election for Julian Morse. “They go hand in hand,” said Morse, who is  a resource officer with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.* “Without addressing homelessness and addictions and loitering, there isn’t much point

That’s All There Is? Devolution Dollars Disappoint

The first post-devolution resource dollars are in and the numbers are, well, pretty disappointing. By the end of 2014/15, the GNWT expects to have collected $63.7 million in mineral, oil and gas, and water revenues ($50.4 million has been collected so far, plus $13.4 million in estimated accruals to be collected in the last three

Exit Interview: Bob Bromley Speaks His Mind

After two terms, Weledeh MLA Bob Bromley will be stepping away from politics following November’s territorial election. EDGE caught up with him last week to chat about his accomplishments and his failures, and hear his thoughts on consensus government and Bob McLeod’s premiership. After eight years, what has prompted you to leave politics? I got

Rommel Silverio: Hopes to be YK’s First Filipino Councillor

Voters can count Rommel Silverio among the candidates for council who believe that politicians should listen to what the public says about issues like downtown development and the city’s potential Canada Winter Games bid. “Whichever way forward we choose, it should be done in a way that is both fiscally responsible and includes the views

And They’re Off: Campaigning Allowed For NWT Election

A new directive from Nicole Latour, chief electoral officer for the Northwest Territories, has opened the door to campaigning by self-declared candidates in the weeks leading up to the November 23 election. Heralded by a news release and posted to the NWT Elections website, the latest edict from Latour is a complete reversal of her

We Want YOU For City Council

For roughly $18,000/year, council candidates aren’t chasing money. They’re signing up for part-time pay for a position that’s a full-time job, at least socially. It’s hard to go anywhere without some neighbourhood expert sounding off on this project or that plan, and “why do you guys have to raise property taxes, anyway?” This coming council

Fear of a Carbon Tax: Tory Scare Tactics in Action

On carbon pricing, the Conservatives have always been subtle as a jackhammer: It’s a tax on everything, it will kill jobs, it’s bad, and so is any politician who dares suggest implementing such a Four-Horsemen policy. The Tories dropped this talking point on Stephane Dion like a cartoon piano during the 2008 campaign, won another

Elections NWT Head: Big Status Quo Fan

Latour’s edict prohibits candidates from electioneering outside the bounds of the election period, while sitting MLAs continue to make full use of social media and other promotional perks of office Territorial MLAs met in secret this week to discuss the final sitting of the legislature and perhaps bid adieu to those who will retire before the November

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